What is litreading?

First, it’s a podcast featuring my presentation of great old short stories. Additionally, it’s my new hobby. A true labor of love created to entertain those who enjoy listening to a great story (and who doesn’t?).

Why are the stories so old-fashioned?

Primarily because they are (old). However, the stories are some of the finest ever written. The times may have changed but the underlying human emotions haven’t. While there are lots of great new stories, reading those would require acquiring the rights to perform them – a complex and expensive process. Stories created before 1923 are in the “public domain,” therefore copyright free, which allows me to provide them free to you.

Where can i listen?

I have tried to submit the podcast to all of the popular syndicators like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart, TuneIn, etc. If I missed your favorite, please drop me a line. You can also listen to all of the stories right here at litreading.com.


How do you choose the stories?

Lots and lots of reading. I only select those stories that moved me somehow and lent themselves to my reading style.

Can I suggest a story for a future episode?

Abolutely! There is no way I can read every public domain story ever written, so there will be many great ones I will miss. Please understand that the story must either be in the public domain or you must be able to offer performance rights to me a no cost. Please send me your suggestions.

How often are episodes created?

My initial goal is one new story per week. I may do more in the future.

Is it really free? Are there ads?

I am not doing this for the money. In fact, I am personally covering all of the production, editing, and hosting expenses. I have no plans for ads, although someday I may ask for small donations to help defray the monthly expenses.

I have another question

Send it along and I will answer within a day or two.